Road accident
Road accident is an
unpleasant and unexpected event caused by different vehicles while moving on
the roads. There are many causes of road accidents in our country . The road s
and sstreets of our country are narroe. They are notlain and straqight.
Reckless driving is a major casuse of road accident. Overratking tendency of
the drivers is also responsible for road accident . Their indifference is also
responsible for road accident. Besides, defective and old vehicles highly
causes road accident . The effect of road accident is of great extent in our
lives and assets. Everyday a good number of people meet a premature
death. Some people are seriously injured. Peace loving poor and common
people are the worst sufferers . Some measures can be taken to be construted on
proper plan. Modern system of traffic control should be introduced and reckless driving should be dealt with
exemplary punishment. Defective vehicles should be removed. Driving license
should be issued honesty and duly. Only then , we can hope for a better future
regarding roads and transportation.
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